This application form is for full-time courses starting in September 2025.
A couple of things to note and have handy before starting your application:
e t 01539 814713
We look forward to meeting you soon!
If you are already studying at Kendal College, and wish to progress to the next level on your course, please discuss this with your course tutor rather than completing this form.
If you want to remove any item from the basket you can do so below.
Note for A-Level, AAQ and Criminology applicants: This is the application form for the full-time programme (3 or 4 subjects). You only need to complete this form once by confirming your subject choices below. If you are an adult (aged 19 or above) interested in studying A-Levels part-time, please contact
A-Level and AAQ choices (if these aren't in your basket above):
Required fields are denoted by
Your 'First Name' should be your legal name and will be used for official documents (e.g. certificates). Your 'Known as' name is what you'd prefer to be called (if different) and will be used for all communication and correspondence.
Mobile number (please enter with no spaces)
Home phone number (please enter with no spaces)
Please enter your current address:
Confirm your address (Main address )
Please enter as it appears on your passport
Have you lived in the UK for the last 3 years?
Do you have a criminal conviction, or conviction pending that is related to possession with intent to supply or supplying controlled substance, violence against others, a Schedule 1 offence against anyone under the age of 18 or inclusion on the Sex Offenders Register?
If you answer yes, it does not necessarily mean you will not be able to attend the college, but it will instigate a referral to the college's Safeguarding Officer.
I consent to the college sharing information about my education and progression with this person. If you do not consent to share information, the contact details below will be used in emergencies only.
Emergency contact phone number (please enter with no spaces)
If you have any specific requirements, e.g. relating to disability or access, please contact our Inclusion Services team at
Do you consider yourself to have any disabilities, learning difficulties and/or health problems?
Please specify which represents your main disability/learning difficulty or heath problem
Do you have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)? An EHCP is a legal document which describes a young person's (up to 25 years old) special educational needs, the support they need, and the outcomes they would like to achieve, which is provided by the local authority.
We require applications from young people with an EHCP to be submitted before the May half-term. If you have missed this deadline, we cannot guarantee to advance your application but will consider individuals on a case-by-case basis. Please contact our Inclusion Services Manager at to discuss.
Did you receive special exam arrangements at your previous school or educational institution, e.g. a reader or scribe?
Are you a Child Looked After (Local Authority have parental responsibility)?
Is there anything that would be good for us to know so we can best support you at college, e.g. medical conditions, long time out of study, long distance to travel, home schooled, caring responsibilities, living in supported housing etc.
Have you attended a school, 6th form, college or other training provider in the last 3 years?
Name of your current or most recent school, college or training provider
We need your expected or achieved qualifications to make sure you are applying for the right course. Please include information on all qualifications studied i.e. GCSE, BTEC diplomas, A-levels, NVQs. If you haven't yet taken your exams, please provide your predicted grades.
Are you applying to any other colleges or universities? (this won't affect your application)
Please describe your reasons for applying for this course, and list any other qualifications or experience relevant to your application.
You understand that ticking this box acts as a signature of confirmation that all information provided is correct.
Please press Submit to finish your application